People often come to therapy for two reasons: Either to heal from suffering or to make changes. I will create a safe space for you to be wherever and whoever you are. Often people avoid therapy because they believe their pain is too great, fear they will be judged or worry that their situation is too complicated. Everyone needs help sometimes. While family and friends may want the best for us, they often come with opinions and past hurts. Giving yourself permission to feel and grieve is part of the process.
Recipe for Healing & Change: Pre-heat Oven: Feel the heat rise as you become more aware In a large bowl, mix radical acceptance, feeling heard, and exploration Let stew Add secret ingredients: Proactive steps Mix in a heaping spoonful of inquiry and experiment Dole out in small doses with structure and focus See your goals take shape Serves: You
Change is not easy, but fortunately there are guidelines. I use evidenced based treatment to support and help you feel better. With humor, gentle guidance and structure, our sessions are focused so that we make the most use of your time. We will work collaboratively to set an agenda, review what's worked or what hasn't, make plans for steps you can take in between sessions, and build a new way of thinking and being. After regular visits, you will begin to notice changes in the way you perceive, feel and act.
Душа человека во сто крат тяжелее его тела… Она настолько тяжела, что один человек не в силах нести ее… И потому мы, люди, пока живы, должны стараться помочь друг другу, стараться обессмертить души друг друга: вы — мою, я — другого, другой — третьего, и так далее до бесконечности…Нодар Владимирович Думбадзе