As soon as you come in, I will create a safe container, that is free of judgement, and be present for you. You will get on the driver's seat again, by addressing what you feel is important to you, by compiling a priority list of issues to handle. With my 30 years of experience in the mental health field in Chicago and the SF Bay Area, I have an uncanny ability to address the symptoms you are experiencing, and the issues we should address in the room. The goal is to get to the bottom of these issues, so you can get out of the therapy room with 12 - 24 sessions.
I will assist you in moving from a place of judgement about yourself or from an unsatisfying experience, to a place of neutral observation. I will teach you how your past negative experiences are powerful in creating your current unsatisfying life experiences. My goal is to always empower you, within the shortest period of time in treatment.
In addition to that. I will then help you become aware of the emotional, cognitive and behavior patterns you have created as a your tool belt. These tools as coping strategies have definitely helped you survive and get to this point, but are no longer working for you. Since these tools are obsolete, I will first bring these patterns out of the darkness of habit, and into your conscious awareness. ait will then be apparent to you, as to why they are no longer working. In a collaborative manner, we will explore other more effective strategies that will allow you to experience more peace, and joy in her life.
During this phase, my experience has been that you will resist moving out of this unsatisfying comfort zone due to the fears associated with change. I will address this with compassion and support. We will take baby steps out of the comfort zone, into a whole new experience; hence transformation. The steps will vary depending on the types of issues. Panic attacks will be dealt with, in a very different way when compared to clinical depression or family system issues.
Once the neural networks are developed, and you start to experience positive results, you will be more apt to using the new tools and skills frequently. The old coping strategies will become outdated, and the symptoms you came in with, will start to subside.
I have a unique ability to help the client see themselves as a powerful individual. You know what you want, but were just stuck. I will use many of the skills you already possess, and help you create the opposite results instead. With my 30 years of clinical experience, I am highly skilled at seeing your patterns. So I will gently help you see them with a different lense. When you arrive at it yourself, you can take ownership and become accountable, during this change process. On my end, I will the clinician who is flexible, and will change my approach, so I can support you in the best way possible.